Generate data and answer questions in Google Forms with the power of AIโจ!
How Fakey works?
Step 1
Install Fakey on Chrome Web Store
Step 2
Go to your Google Forms, right-click on the page and choose Answer This Page with AIโจ
Step 2.1
Alternatively, you can snip an image by clicking on Snip And Ask AI๐ท
Step 3
Wait for the AI to help you get the best answer for your Google Forms questions
Step 4
Submit your Google Forms!
The most generous plan
- Install and start using it
- Generate fake data for any web forms
- AI-powered Google Forms solver
- Free 20 credits per month for AI
The real hero picks this plan
- All in Normie’s plan
- Get 5,000 credits
- ๐ Use Fakey from our Telegram Bot
In Your Dream
This plan does not exist lol
- All in Premium’s plan
- This plan is not real
- This plan is just a placeholder